Sunday 25 April 2010

60 steps forward, 1 step back...

So... hi, welcome to my blog. How are you?
There are plenty of reasons for starting this blog, and i'm sure i'll tell you a lot of them over time, but for now, i'll just say that i'm entering into a weird new stage of my life and in doing so am gonna be closeted for the very first time in my life. As the web address gives away, I'm gonna be a teacher. And i know, already in this short paragraph i've said 'gonna' and don't always capitalise my I's but you know what? Bite me. :-)
So, I'll tell you i'm a teacher, i won't say where, and i'll try not to give too much away about myself, as being an gay teacher is something a lot of schools/parents/communities have problems with (thats a whole other post in itself right there). The main jist of this, i think, is gonna be me being closeted while teaching. I've never been closeted, even when i was in school i was never really 'in'. So when i was outed, it wasn't a great shock to anyone, and since then i've been a proper feisty out gay man. I've been on marches, interviews in papers, i've yelled at priests on telly (funny funny story!) and i've always combated homophobia as an outtie.
Trouble is, I'm not in one school all the time at the moment, and i don't really have any support network in the profession to rely on... so for now, i'm not gonna be out in the staff room, or the class room. Until i find a school i'll be in for a while and is cool, i ain't risking the bad shit that could come my way if some douche decides to make a big deal out of a gay guy teaching little'uns to spell.
The other reason is...we have LOTS of paperwork to do, and i'm always up for doing anthing that isn't paperwork... :-)
That's it for now boys and girls
Mr Green (shhhhh.... that's not my real name! gasp!)

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